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Aerial Yoga group classes and private instruction.

Group Classes

Rise + Flow

Begin your day in the hammock and warm up your body with ease. Stretches and mobility to get your body moving and ready to take on the day!

Breakthrough Breathwork

Breakthrough Breathwork is a transformative service that utilizes the guidance and wisdom of the four elements to help individuals achieve a deeper level of self-awareness and healing through conscious breathing techniques. Experience a breakthrough in your personal growth and well-being with Breakthrough Breathwork


Flying Fitness

A full body workout while preserving joint integrity. Explore the balance of gravity and the opportunity provided by the hammocks to play with that relationship, using your own body as resistance. This fitness class offers variety, interest, and fun. 

KAP Kundalini Activation Processs

KAP is a transmission of kundalini/life force energy. This is not a self-willed or self-generating process, it is the path of surrender and allowing this intelligent energy to do precisely what your system needs.

Moving Meditation

With the hammocks lowered to just above the floor, you can deepen the mind-body connection and your spinal flexibility as you are led through a series of gentle postures without pressure on your joints. This technique features various forms of supported asana accessible to all, including students with physical limitations. Experience a peaceful escape from the stress of everyday life.


Sound Therapy produces profound relaxation, tuning the receiver’s brain waves into an alpha or theta state; these are states that calm the mind and activate the body’s natural regenerative pathways. Vibrations move through the body to gently massage each cell individually.


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